SPD Voyager - The Maiden Voyage

Great work getting yourself the SPD Voyager! Your drum machine just became so much more portable thanks to the shoulder strap/handles and you've wisely decided to keep it professionally protected when it's set up at your kit. 

I want you to have an easy time using the SPD Voyager and, trust me, it is REALLY easy to use. Here is a short video demonstrating the way to set up your SPD so that it will properly fit inside the soft case and how to use the SPD Voyager. 


There are two important things to know for first time users: 

1. Make sure the mounting stem is attached the correct way underneath your SPDsx. You may need to spin it 180 degrees. 

2. Pull the flaps of the SPD Voyager tight for a proper fit. 


As always, if you have questions or concerns, I'm here for you so hit me up by DM on Instagram @TheLifeOfBasal or by email info@basal.co