Keep it safe. Our high-quality, light-weight case custom designed to perfectly house the Tama Rhythm Watch metronome (suits the RW100 & RW200). Get the most life out of your metronome by protecting it from inevitable bangs and bumps.
The Metronome - Watch is constructed with black ballistic nylon on the outside for durability and a sophisticated aesthetic. Enjoy the strong 10 gauge zipper with the classic metal Basal puller. The customised lining structure inside perfectly encases the Tama Rhythmn Watch RW200 & RW100 metronome. The finger tab on the right facilitates simple insert and removal and the foam lid will protect the intricate face of the tool. The distinct gold coloured D hook on the rear of the case is an anchor to allow for easy attachment.
Be responsible with your expensive equipment and get years of reliable use by encasing with the Metronome - Watch.

Metronome not included.